| Central Business Districts |
| Single-Family Residential Districts |
| Two-Family Residential Districts |
| Historic Core Residential Districts |
| Multiple-Family Residential Districts |
| Historic Urban and Suburban Non-Residential Districts |
| Commercial Districts |
| Mixed-Use Districts |
| Institutional Campus Districts |
| Industrial Districts |
| Business Industrial Park District |
| General Planned Development District |
| Open Space and Park Districts |
| Residential Semi-Rural |
| Residential Single-Family Post-war |
| Residential Low Density Post-war |
| Residential Multi-Family Post-war |
| Residential Hisctoric Core |
| Residential Single-Family Pre-war |
| Residential Low Density Pre-war |
| Residential Medium Density Pre-war |
| Residential Multi-Family Pre-war |
| Neighborhood Commercial |
| General Commercial |
| Downtown Exposition |
| Downtown Mixed-Use |
| Downtown Core Neighborhood Mixed-Use |
| Mixed-Use Low Density |
| Mixed-Use Medium Density |
| Mixed-Use High Density |
| Mixed-Use Historic Core |
| Mixed-Use Health/Life Sciences |
| Mixed-Use Maritime |
| Business Center |
| Industrial |
| Institutional |
| Parkland and Open Space |
| Cemetery |
| Natural Area |
| Transportation |
| Planned Development Area |
| Central Business Districts |
| Single-Family Residential Districts |
| Two-Family Residential Districts |
| Historic Core Residential Districts |
| Multiple-Family Residential Districts |
| Historic Urban and Suburban Non-Residential Districts |
| Commercial Districts |
| Mixed-Use Districts |
| Institutional Campus Districts |
| Industrial Districts |
| Business Industrial Park District |
| General Planned Development District |
| Open Space and Park Districts |